The cycle of the soul. I made the dark spheres and the 7 spheres of light. The 7 dark spheres and first three light spheres are still bound to the earth. After your cycle you'll go to the sphere where you belong to, after the feelings of your inner life. From there on you'll continue your journey. The man with the beam of light out of his eyes stands for your inner life. You can't go further to the 4th sphere before you made all your karma a good one. The head in the middle of the painting stands for evolution from humankind in spirit as well for reincarnation. You'll have/had many lives and the trees stands for reincarnations.The river is the subconscience before you reincarnate in a new life, the small bulbs are souls, divided in male and female. The man in the corner stands for Christ, for the teachings he gave us. In the upper corner you see a new planet where the soul goes to after passing all the spheres.
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rembrandt pastel