Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Inner masks.

I made the spheres, a bit smaller this time. Below it are three masks after our inner being. The red one stands for the darker spheres, the blue one for the first light sphere and the middle for the highest sphere. On the left you see someone who passed over moving into the afterlife.95x74,5cm, schmincke pastel

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tree of life

I made an embryo inside a tree. Below the embryo there is the cosmos. The tree stands on the afterlife, 7 spheres of light and 7 dark spheres. In the corner you see the earth. On the right there is a couple living in the afterlife. 80x55 cm, schmincke pastel

Monday, August 05, 2013

view on the earth and moon from the hereafter

after 3 years I started painting again. This is a follow up from the series from 2010 to get in the mood again, regaining my skills. It's a raw and uncut version 80x55cm, schmincke pastel